
Summer Gardens

Sunday, July 10, 2011 2 Comments »
Just finished de-leafing a ton of green and purple basil in preparation for pesto making.  DH should have picked this crop a week ago; 7 days made the difference between nice, full leaves, and a lot of semi-chewed leaves.  It all gets ground up anyway, but it isn't nearly as satisfying to do the same amount of leaf stripping & only net half as much.  We'll pick earlier on the second crop!

Now if you really want to be green with envy, take a look at the garden in my SIL's father's house; he's recreated a Mexican courtyard right here, in eastern Pennsylvania.   

This is only a small part of the garden.  What you can't really see in the picture, is the large koi pond buried in the middle of it.  And it's just one of 3 ponds!  The garden is lit in various places as well.  See that tin star hanging in the very back?  At night it is lit from within, and creates a lovely, twinkling highlight.   What a lush and delightful place!


OT Quilter said...

Your basil looks gorgeous! My husband usually spends a day during the summer to make pesto, sans cheese, to freeze in bags, so we can have a taste of summer all winter. Your SIL's father's garden is lovely. (That's a gene I didn't get...I'd rather be inside sewing!)

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

I adore that peaceful and lush garden retreat, what a perfect place to relax and enjoy God's gifts. Happy pesto, Pat!