
Count Your Blessings

Saturday, September 25, 2010 1 Comment »
I've admired Judi Madsen (the Green Fairy) for quite some time.  She is a young wife and mother who has been blessed with a tremendous gift for quilting.  I drool over the pictures she posts of quilts she's long-armed for customers (and herself), I smile at the pictures of her youngsters, and I am in awe of her endless enthusiasm.  Today I cried.

Judi and her husband Clint are involved with charity work for Romanian children.  Last year they traveled to Romania, visiting an orphanage, and this year Clint and his dad made the trip, visiting various families living in very difficult circumstances.  Their main purpose is to distribute donated quilts to children, but this year (through generous donations), they were able to deliver food and school supplies as well.

If you think those scraps in your stash don't really amount to much, take a look at what an impact those scaps would make when put into a quilt.  Then pass it along!

Green Fairy's 2010 Trip to Romania.


Kimberly Mason said...

Wow! What a wonderful video and a wonderful thing to do.