
Just in time for Opening Day!

Monday, April 12, 2010 5 Comments »

Finally!!  Miss Madeline Rose Deck took her own sweet time, but when she decided she was ready, she was READY. 

The phone rang at a 5:05 this morning, and sure enough, it was the call we had been expecting.  Son Andy shared the joyful news that our new grand daughter had been born at 4:29 this morning, after a short and uneventful labor, at Reading (PA) Hospital.  6 lb, 13 oz; 19 " long; blonde hair & brown eyes.  Andy says she's the spittin' image of her older sister, Annabelle.  Both momma Jaimie and Miss Maddy are doing just fine.  Annabelle and brother Ian will get to meet their new sister this afternoon.  GG and Pop Pop will wait a few days to let Jamie catch her breath before decending on Reading.

Andy is taking credit for bring on Jamie's labor because HE worked hard all day yesterday refinishing the deck.  He's thrilled that Madeline made it in time for the Phillies Opening Day!  We're  just thrilled.  Period!

And now, through the wonders of cell phone technology...........

Miss Maddy joins big sister Annabelle and big brother Ian.


Nancy Near Philadelphia said...

'Tis the babying season, fershure! Congratulations on this beautiful new little girl.

OTquilter said...

I've been watching your blog, waiting for this news. Congratulations to all! (She's beautiful!)
Nancy (Wilson '69)

Kimberly Mason said...

Graced by the gift of a child AND visited by two Nancys in a are INDEED blessed!

She's gorgeous. Just gorgeous! said...

OMG, just look at that face...what a doll!!! HUGS to you and yours!!!
Are you sure she just didn't want to miss YANKEE opening day today?
Ya know, she had to get here and get all prettied up.... LOL

Pat said...

Peggy: ROTFLMAO!!! To tell you the truth, she's half Pirates/Steelers, but we don't talk about that (grin).